New MexicoJazz Workshop presents
An Evening in the Spirit of Carnival
Saturday, November 10th @ 7pm - 11pm
Sandia Resort and Casino
Silent Auction, Mask-making, Dancing, Card Reading, Brazilian Cuisine, Chocolate Tasting by Choco Canyon Artisan Chocolate.
Music by PANdemonium, the Odara Dance Ensemble
Not quite ready for Winter? Neither is New Mexico Jazz Workshop! You won't want to miss a night charged with the same energy and spice of NMJW's Salsa Under the Stars, as the music, food and dance transports you to the balmy climes of Rio de Janeiro. Get ready for a journey to Rio at the most festive time of the year- -Carnival.
Each week, leading up the MAIN EVENT, we will spotlight an aspect of Carnival Style. Let's look at COSTUME.Carnival is a time to SHINE. Consider wearing colors you might not normally wear, even on a night out on the town. The whole point is to STAND OUT, consider your personal style and GO FOR IT. CLICK HERE to take a look at this Pinterest link. You're bound to see something that inspires you to create your own version! If this doesn't inspire you.
Carnival without revealing ALL!
Think Carnival, and instantly a young woman dressing in little more that a bedazzled bathing suit with a feather headdress comes to mind! 
But, you don't have to reveal all to go to Carnival!
Imagine your version of Marie Antoinette, encrusted in glitter. Take a look at a trailer for Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette to get an idea of the scale of Carnival style among the aristocracy before the French Revolution!
Men can get in on the fun, too! Think EPIC!

Hieronymus Carl Friedrich von Münchhausen
(11 May 1720 - 22 February 1797)
Münchhausen was a German nobleman and a famous recounter of tall tales. HCF von M was immortalized by Terry Gillian in The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Add a little glitter to this outfit and you're good to GO. Take a look at this fun smash-up-- Baron Munchausen meets Christopher Nolan. CLICK HERE.
Sticking with a nautical theme, take a look at this great blog we found, created by Afshin Tavakoli for FLAMINGO, featuring a heightened sense of style, while remaining sensible. CLICK HERE to view.
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