It's the second week of December already.
quite ready to settle in for Winter just yet! One more concert for the year, Adult Education classes are shaping up, and we're gearing up for a a busy 2011!
12/12 Middle School and High School Youth Honor Bands RECITAL: Sunday, December 12th 1PM -3PM at the Cooperage, 7220 Lomas NE. Don't miss an afternoon of music with the future of jazz in New Mexico (and beyond!) Middle-High and High School Honor Band kids go on to great things. Get in on the ground floor of their assent to amazing heights!
Mid-High School Honor Jazz Band
Under the Direction of Sam Nesbitt
High School Honor Jazz Band
Under the Direction of Christian Pincock
Give the Gift of JAZZ!
Consider an alternative to the hustle and bustle of holiday gift shopping by purchasing a gift card from New Mexico Jazz Workshop. Give the gift of Jazz -- buy NMJW Jazz Bucks.
A gift card of $50, $100, $150 or $200 is a wonderful way to offer the artist in your life the opportunity to take a class, attend a concert, present dollars towards a Jazz Camp session, or even join NMJW as a Member! Call us for more information: 505-255-9798.
We'll see you in the New Year! Can't wait.