New Mexico Jazz Workshop is recovering from a great weekend-- on Friday, Son Como Son brought down the house, and a few rain clouds, but we made it through! Saturday evening the South West Jazz Orchestra with Elevation made us feel warm and fuzzy with nostalgia. We're taking a weekend off to recoup, regroup, and celebrate the July 4th weekend. But before we do, we want to let you know what's up next at the Jazz Workshop:
New Mexico Jazz Workshop's Summer Concert Series
JULY 10-11
Who: Charanga del Valle-- Salsa Under the Stars
When: July 10th 7pm -- 10pm
Where:@ Albuquerque Museum Amphitheater 2000 Mountain Rd. NW
Cost: $13 General $11 Students/Seniors NMJW/Museum Members $10.
Tickets Available through Brown Paper Tickets

The Alpha Cats
Who: The Alpha Cats/Patti Littlefield & Woof! Blues, Bossa, Ballads and Western Swing
Jazz & Blues Under the Stars
When: July 11th 7pm --10pm
Where:@ Albuquerque Museum Amphitheater 2000 Mountain Rd. NW
Cost: $13 General $11 Students/Seniors NMJW/Museum Members $10.
Tickets Available through Brown Paper Tickets--